sharehouse Meimai

Inquiry House / Room Number sharehouse Meimai /
Confirmation E-mail Address*Required
Age/Sex*Required Age
Job Type*Required
Requested House Inspection date eg) June 11th, or 14th Afternoon
Scheduled Moving in date, and Duration To Stay*Required End Of June ~ End Of Oct
Write a little about yourself or other inquiry
The minimum stay period of the share house is at least 1 month. Please check the minimum tenancy period and make inquiries.
Handling of Personal Information
The personal information you provide will be stored by Tokyo Share House LLC and sent to the share house operator you are inquiring about.
Please review and agree to our [Terms of Use] and [Privacy Policy] before making your inquiry.

Frog house Co., Ltd.

Frog house Co., Ltd.
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Language: 日本語
We offer local lowest price range to live with the security, safety and community! Please feel free to contact us!!