Total: 7
Display Type
- Area
- Rent
- Access
- Requirement
- Male, Female (Male Female / 5 Rooms (bed))
You can remodel the room yourself. There is a family garden, you can grow vegetables yourself.
- Area
- NakaRokugo Ota-ku, Tokyo
- Rent
- Access
Keihin Kyuko LINE Zoshiki Station 7minKeihin Tohoku LINE Kamata Station 17min
- Requirement
- Male, Female (Male Female / 4 Rooms (bed))
This is a lovely newly opened share house with a rooftop and a 3 minute walk from the station. There are 8 rooms in total, so not too many, not too few, just the right number of pe...
- Area
- 3-1-13 Fujimidai, Nerima-ku, Tokyo
- Rent
- Access
Seibu Ikebukuro Line Fujimidai station 3 minutes walk
- Requirement
- Male, Female (Male Female / 6 Rooms (bed))