【インタビュー(The interview)】学生インバウンドツアー団体の素顔 (The truth of the young-inbound tour group)

大都市東京を庭のように駆け巡る 学生インバウンドツアー団体の素顔
Running around the metropolis of Tokyo as if it was a garden; the reality of the young-inbound tour group
東京に拠点を置くインバウンドツアーチーム、"Local Tour Concierge"。
The inbound tour group, known as the “Local Tour Concierge”, situated in Tokyo.
We're a group of people assisting foreign tourists with their sightseeing in Tokyo,
And our team is made up of around ten people, aged 19-25, from various countries.
The kicker is that every member has a strong connection to each other. It's as if we're all one big family.
Let's take a look at the inner-workings of this magical group. We interviewed on the leader of this team.
チームの創立者であり代表を務める近藤 佑太朗さん
Group founder and representative: Yutaro Kondo
ー早速ですが、インバウンドツアーチ-ム"Local Tour Concierge"をはじめようと思ったきっかけはなんですか?
ーWhy did you want to start “Local Tour Concierge” in the biginning?
The first problem to address was Tokyo's transportation network. In Tokyo alone, there are over 630 train stations. To have so many stations in such a small city would definitely cause visitors unfamiliar to Japan to get lost one-hundred percent of the time.
After coming all this way and looking forward to a special day, it goes without saying that it would be a total waste to spend an hour or two being lost! It's from that mindset that we started this concierge.
The second problem I noticed was how 'wide' Tokyo is. Despite just saying Tokyo is a small city, its downtown area is considered the largest in the world, even after comparing it to places like New York and London. Therefore, visitors would require literally days to find their away around.
That’s why I wanted to solve these two problems.
ー I understood. How could you gather the member?
In the beginning, I did tours on my own.
A Brazilian and Australian couple, one being a doctor, and a US Military couple stationed in Korea are just two of the examples of some of the many visitors that I introduced Tokyo to.
But these are busy people. Not just Tokyo, but Kyoto, Osaka and Hiroshima are also common sites. In most cases, visitors often only have one day to spend in Tokyo.That’s why this tour「All the popular place in Tokyo with local」 has needs.
After telling that to Taito Katsumata, he decided to help me out without haste, and in that moment we became a team. Then we started this activity as a team.
ーStarting the tour guiding alone, more and more people got inspired and built the team.I heard that the 11 members are so close to each other, but are there any particular reasons why they got so close?
To tell the truth, we actually run a sharehouse as well in Suidobashi (in Jinbocho), and we share a living space with each other. Though we do have our fights, we also play monopoly until the dead of night (and poker right after that), and even sing songs. Age has no borders.
He said "Now we are selling in limited edition. Please check it out."
ーVery nice that you are living with comrades who have same vision. I would like to know the ongoing vision.
We plan on expanding this service all the way to Kyoto.
Like Tokyo, Kyoto has many sightseeing spots and a complicated train system, confusing visitors as well.
Breaking the barriers of 'host' and 'guest', we want to provide a service as a friend to visitors so that they can have a great day, and hopefully feel that they want to come back to Japan again and feel the warmth of the great people of Japan.
ー"Local Tour Concierge"の活動をこれからも応援しています。本日は貴重なお時間をありがとうございました。
ーThank you very much for giving your time today. We continue to support your activity.
そんな近藤さんは、現在"Local Tour Concierge"のメンバーを大募集とのことです。
We're also mass recruiting for our “Local Tour Concierge” right now!
- People who want to have fun using English-medium
- People who are madly in love with Japan
- People who can become friends with others quickly
などなど、興味のある方は、こちらのURLから近藤 佑太朗さんに直接ご連絡ください。
For those interested, please contact Kondo Yutaro directly.
近藤 佑太朗 Yutaro Kondo
- Please use messenger
- Please use direct messages

【インタビュー(The interview)】学生インバウンドツアー団体の素顔 (The truth of the young-inbound t...
大都市東京を庭のように駆け巡る 学生インバウンドツアー団体の素顔Running around the metropolis of Tokyo as if it was a garden; the reality of the young-inbound tour grou...