Frog Creator Production Inc.
Member since May, 2016
  • English, 日本語
Frog House is creative minds sheltered professionally, safely and pleasantly in the beauty of Vancouver. Your environment greatly assists your success and with Frog house we pride family touch. You’ll have access to other creative minds that will support you. Furthering your experience towards goals and our dream “to be a world-class creative-mind’.
Communication, respect, and passion fill our walls while the heart of Frog House wants you to find inspiration, success and motivation for your next target, we also provide easy access to local knowledge, events and how to get about. A family designed to motivate your inspiration and nurture our dreams. Frog House isn’t just a house, it’s your home.

Our Support and Projects

Frog house has been designed to have multilevel skills that allow creative sharing across many professions. We’ve allocated workshops with English tutors, lectures from local professionals and counselling. In no time you’ll be riding the Sky Train down town, understand your Visa requirements and being introduced to local interests that can further your career.
Don’t forget Frog House is a family so your skills are appreciated from co-productions and skill sharing projects. Without a doubt you’ll be busy, busy on making your dream a reality.