Map in Calgary
こんにちは、バンクーバー在住3年の Yuです;-)バンクーバーでの私生活をお伝えして、それが少しでも参考になればと考えています。* ブログ初心者なので... お手柔らかに 笑さっ...
Sep, 16, 2015
Dec, 2, 2015
Recommend Sharehouse in Calgary
Cocoro Mejiro
In August 2013, Cocoro Mejiro opened. Originally, it was the top floor of a building located 5 minutes from Mejiro Station on foot, which is the owner’s resident. This time it was fully renovated i...
Wood House
It has access to both JR and subway lines. It takes 30 minutes to walk to Ikebukuro. It takes 10 minutes by bus and 4 minutes by train. It's a very quiet environment, and the shopping district is v...
Ariya House Takinogawa
Ariya House Takinogawa is a women-only shared house located in a quiet residential neighborhood. It's a stylish and beautiful shared house just a 6-minute walk from Itabashi Station and a 4-minute ...
Recommend School in Calgary
Recommend Shareticket in Calgary